Designing your own living space takes a leap of faith. Finding more in less. Making statements in elegant nuances. Dive into the Science of Design.
Greenlam Industries, with its footprints in over 120 countries has made a mark in the world of surface solutions. Our array exemplifies “the science of art in a living space”. architects , we make simple look stylish.
Laminates, compacts, interior and exterior clads, restroom cubicles, locker solutions, decorative veneers, engineered wood floors and doors are not where our caliber ends.
Enter NewMika, a bold new range of laminates that is designed for the seriously curious and young at heart dreamers. Bold colours, eclectic textures, new age designs – NewMika from the House of Greenlam is for imaginative minds that go beyond the obvious.
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Explore the universe of decorative laminates in colour, textures and patterns that goes beyond anything you have ever imagined.
EXPLORE PRODUCTSBold statements. Artfully curated. Nature inspired. Take your pick. Explore the world of NewMika FX exterior surface clads.